Class LossHuberSmooth

Direct Known Subclasses:
LossHuberSmooth.Function, LossHuberSmooth.Gradient

public abstract class LossHuberSmooth extends LossFunctionBase
Smooth approximation to the huber loss [1]. This is similar to the L1 Loss in Ceres.
L(a) = t2(sqrt(1+(a/t)2-1)
, where 'a' is the residual, and 't' is the passed in tuning. For small values it will approximate a2/2, but for large values it will be a line with slope 't'. The point of inflection where the functions begins to behave more linear is for values of 'a' > 't'.
  1. Huber Loss - Wikipedia 2023
  • Constructor Details

    • LossHuberSmooth

      protected LossHuberSmooth(double threshold)