Package org.ddogleg.sorting
package org.ddogleg.sorting
ClassesClassDescriptionCounting sort for floating point numbers.Counting sort for floating point numbers.A O(N) sorting routine for integer valued elements with a known upper and lower bound.QuickSelect searches for the k-th largest item in the list.An implementation of the quick sort algorithm from Numerical Recipes Third Edition that is specified for arrays of floats.An implementation of the quick sort algorithm from Numerical Recipes Third Edition that is specified for arrays of doubles.An implementation of the quick sort algorithm from Numerical Recipes Third Edition that is specified for arrays of doubles.QuickSortComparable<T extends Comparable<T>>An implementation of the quick sort algorithm from Numerical Recipes Third Edition that is specified for arrays of floats.An implementation of the quick sort algorithm from Numerical Recipes Third Edition that is specified for arrays of floats.An implementation of the quick sort algorithm from Numerical Recipes Third Edition that is specified for arrays of floats.An implementation of the quick sort algorithm from Numerical Recipes Third Edition that is specified for arrays of floats.Implementation of the shell sort algorithm from Numerical Recipes Third Edition.Class which can be extended and allows the object to be sorted faster than a generic ComparableClass which can be extended and allows the object to be sorted faster than a generic ComparableAn implementation of the straight insert sort algorithm.