Nearest NeighborΒΆ

A nearest neighbor searches for all the neighbors of a point inside of a set which minimizes a distance metric. In DDogleg the only distance metric available is Euclidean distance squares, which is the same as minimizing Euclidean distance, but faster.

 1public static void main( String[] args ) {
 2    // Easiest way to create a NN algorithm is using the factory below
 3    // The class Distance (defined below) describes the data type which the kd tree will be processing
 4    // It specifies the degree of freedom and provides access to each element in the data type
 5    NearestNeighbor<Point2D> nn = FactoryNearestNeighbor.kdtree(new Distance());
 6    // Multiple instances of search can be created. Each of these can be called independently in a thread
 7    NearestNeighbor.Search<Point2D> search = nn.createSearch();
 9    // Create data that's going to be searched
10    List<Point2D> points = new ArrayList<>();
12    // For sake of demonstration add a set of points along the line
13    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
14        points.add(new Point2D(i, i*2));
15    }
17    // Pass the points and associated data.  Internally a data structure is constructed that enables fast lookup.
18    // This can be one of the more expensive operations, depending on which implementation is used.
19    nn.setPoints(points, true);
21    // declare storage for where to store the result
22    NnData<Point2D> result = new NnData<>();
24    // It will look for the closest point to [1.1,2.2] which will be [1,2]
25    // The second parameter specifies the maximum distance away that it will consider for a neighbor
26    // set to -1 to set to the largest possible value
27    if (search.findNearest(new Point2D(1.1, 2.2), -1, result)) {
28        System.out.println("Best match:");
29        System.out.println("   point     = " + result.point.x + " " + result.point.y);
30        System.out.println("   data      = " + result.index);
31        System.out.println("   distance  = " + result.distance);
32    } else {
33        System.out.println("No match found");
34    }
38 * Describe the Point2D data type so that the nearest-neighbor search will understand it
39 */
40public static class Distance implements KdTreeDistance<Point2D> {
42    // How far apart two points are
43    @Override
44    public double distance( Point2D a, Point2D b ) {
45        return (a.x - b.x)*(a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y)*(a.y - b.y);
46    }
48    // value for element index in point
49    @Override
50    public double valueAt( Point2D point, int index ) {
51        if (index == 0)
52            return point.x;
53        else
54            return point.y;
55    }
57    // Number of elements in point
58    @Override
59    public int length() {
60        return 2;
61    }