Uses of Interface
Packages that use IterativeOptimization
Uses of IterativeOptimization in org.ddogleg.optimization
Subinterfaces of IterativeOptimization in org.ddogleg.optimizationModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Line search for nonlinear optimization.interface
UnconstrainedLeastSquares<S extends DMatrix>
Non-linear least squares problems have a special structure which can be taken advantage of for optimization.interface
UnconstrainedLeastSquaresSchur<S extends DMatrix>
A variant onUnconstrainedLeastSquares
for solving large scale systems which can be simplified using the Schur Complement.interface
Optimization algorithm which seeks to minimize F(X) ∈ ℜ and X ∈ ℜNMethods in org.ddogleg.optimization with parameters of type IterativeOptimizationModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic boolean
(IterativeOptimization search, int maxSteps) Iterate until the line search converges or the maximum number of iterations has been exceeded.static boolean
(IterativeOptimization search) Performs a single step by iterating until the parameters are updated. -
Uses of IterativeOptimization in org.ddogleg.optimization.lm
Classes in org.ddogleg.optimization.lm that implement IterativeOptimizationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
UnconLeastSqLevenbergMarquardt_F64<S extends DMatrix>
Implementation ofLevenbergMarquardt_F64
UnconLeastSqLevenbergMarquardtSchur_F64<S extends DMatrix>
Implementation ofLevenbergMarquardt_F64
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Uses of IterativeOptimization in org.ddogleg.optimization.quasinewton
Classes in org.ddogleg.optimization.quasinewton that implement IterativeOptimizationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Line search which meets the strong Wolfe line condition.class
Line search algorithm that provides a guaranteed sufficient decrease according to the Wolfe condition. -
Uses of IterativeOptimization in org.ddogleg.optimization.trustregion
Classes in org.ddogleg.optimization.trustregion that implement IterativeOptimizationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
UnconLeastSqTrustRegion_F64<S extends DMatrix>
Implementations ofTrust Region
UnconLeastSqTrustRegionSchur_F64<S extends DMatrix>
Implementations ofUnconstrainedLeastSquaresSchur
Implementations ofTrustRegionUpdateCauchy_F64
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Uses of IterativeOptimization in org.ddogleg.optimization.wrap
Classes in org.ddogleg.optimization.wrap that implement IterativeOptimizationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Wrapper aroundQuasiNewtonBFGS