Interface FunctionNtoM

All Superinterfaces:

public interface FunctionNtoM extends FunctionInOut
Function which takes in N parameters as input and outputs M elements. The number N is typically determined by the number of parameters in a model, say 2 for a line in 2D (slope and intercept). The number M is determined by the number of observations, for M 2D points the output would be M variables representing the distance of each point from the line.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    process(double[] input, double[] output)
    >Processes the input to compute the values found in the output array.</p The output's meaning depends on the application.

    Methods inherited from interface org.ddogleg.optimization.functions.FunctionInOut

    getNumOfInputsN, getNumOfOutputsM
  • Method Details

    • process

      void process(double[] input, double[] output)

      >Processes the input to compute the values found in the output array.</p The output's meaning depends on the application. For least-squares it is the residual error. See UnconstrainedLeastSquares.

      The user can modify the input parameters here and the optimizer must use those changes.

      input - Parameters for input model.
      output - Storage for the output give the model.