Non-Linear Least Squares: Sparse Schur Complement

As optimization problems get larger they also tend to be more sparse. A common problem with sparse systems is fill in. What fill in refers to are zero elements becoming non-zero as a linear system is solved. This will destroy your performance. What the Schur Complement does is allow you to solve the problem in separate components which are structured for efficiency.

Bundle Adjustment is a classic problem from computer vision which is made possible by the Schur Complement. What would take seconds when solved with the Schur Complement can literally take hours or days without it. This example demonstrates the Schur Comlpement in a 2D version of bundle adjustment.

The parameters which are optimized are camera and landmarks locations. Both are them are described by an (x,y) coordinate. Each camera can observe each landmark with a bearings measurement.

\[\theta_{ij} = \mbox{atan}\left( \frac{l^j_y-c^i_y}{l^j_x-c^i_x}\right)\]

where \(\theta_{ij}\) is camera i’s observation of landmark j, \((c_x,c_y)\) is a camera’s location, and \((l_x,l_y)\) is a landmark’s location.

The actual code is shown below. This is more complex than our previous examples so be sure to read the in code comments. How the Jacobian is formulated is also different from the regular least-squaers problem. It’s broken up into a left and right side.

  1 public static void main(String[] args)
  2 {
  3     //------------------------------------------------------------------
  4     // Randomly generate the world
  5     //
  6     Random rand = new Random(0xDEADBEEF);
  7     final int numCameras = 10;
  8     final int numLandmarks = 40;
 10     // Cameras are placed along a line. This specifies the length of the line and how spread out the cameras
 11     // will be
 12     final double length = 10;
 14     // how far away the landmark line is from the camera line
 15     final double depth = 20;
 17     double[] observations = new double[numCameras*numLandmarks];
 19     double[] optimal = new double[2*(numCameras+numLandmarks)];
 20     double[] initial = new double[optimal.length];
 22     // Randomly create the world and observations
 23     List<Point2D> cameras = new ArrayList<>();
 24     List<Point2D> landmarks = new ArrayList<>();
 26     int index = 0;
 27     for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++) {
 28         double x = 2*(rand.nextDouble()-0.5)*length;
 29         cameras.add( new Point2D(0,x) );
 31         optimal[index++] = 0;
 32         optimal[index++] = x;
 33     }
 34     for (int i = 0; i < numLandmarks; i++) {
 35         double y = 2*(rand.nextDouble()-0.5)*length;
 36         landmarks.add( new Point2D(depth,y) );
 38         optimal[index++] = depth;
 39         optimal[index++] = y;
 40     }
 42     //------------------------------------------------------------------
 43     // Creating noisy initial estimate
 44     //
 45     for (int i = 0; i < optimal.length; i++) {
 46         initial[i] = optimal[i] + rand.nextGaussian()*5; // this is a lot of error!
 47     }
 49     //------------------------------------------------------------------
 50     // Creating perfect observations.
 51     //   Unrealistic, but we know if it hit the optimal solution or not
 52     index = 0;
 53     for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++) {
 54         Point2D c = cameras.get(i);
 55         for (int j = 0; j < numLandmarks; j++, index++) {
 56             Point2D l = landmarks.get(j);
 57             observations[index] = Math.atan((l.y-c.y)/(l.x-c.x));
 59             // sanity check
 60             if(UtilEjml.isUncountable(observations[index]))
 61                 throw new RuntimeException("Egads");
 62         }
 63     }
 65     //------------------------------------------------------------------
 66     // Create the optimizer and optimize!
 67     //
 68     UnconstrainedLeastSquaresSchur<DMatrixSparseCSC> optimizer =
 69             FactoryOptimizationSparse.levenbergMarquardtSchur(null);
 71     // Send to standard out progress information
 72     optimizer.setVerbose(System.out,0);
 74     // For large sparse systems it's strongly recommended that you use an analytic Jacobian. While this might
 75     // change in the future after a redesign, there isn't a way to efficiently compute the numerical Jacobian
 76     FuncGradient funcGrad = new FuncGradient(numCameras,numLandmarks,observations);
 77     optimizer.setFunction(funcGrad,funcGrad);
 79     // provide it an extremely crude initial estimate of the line equation
 80     optimizer.initialize(initial,1e-12,1e-12);
 82     // iterate 500 times or until it converges.
 83     // Manually iteration is possible too if more control over is required
 84     UtilOptimize.process(optimizer,500);
 86     // see how accurately it found the solution. Optimally this value would be zero
 87     System.out.println("Final Error = "+optimizer.getFunctionValue());
 88 }
 91 /**
 92  * Implements the residual function and the gradient.
 93  */
 94 public static class FuncGradient
 95         implements FunctionNtoM, SchurJacobian<DMatrixSparseCSC>
 96 {
 97     int numCameras,numLandmarks;
 99     // observations of each landmark as seen from each camera as an angle measurement
100     // 2D array. cameras = rows, landmarks = columns
101     double observations[];
103     List<Point2D> cameras = new ArrayList<>();
104     List<Point2D> landmarks = new ArrayList<>();
106     public FuncGradient(int numCameras, int numLandmarks,
107                         double observations[] ) {
108         this.numCameras = numCameras;
109         this.numLandmarks = numLandmarks;
110         this.observations = observations;
111     }
113     /**
114      * The function.
115      * 
116      * @param input Parameters for input model.
117      * @param output Storage for the output give the model.
118      */
119     @Override
120     public void process(double[] input, double[] output) {
121         decode(numCameras,numLandmarks,input,cameras, landmarks);
123         int index = 0;
124         for (int i = 0; i < cameras.size(); i++) {
125             Point2D c = cameras.get(i);
126             for (int j = 0; j < landmarks.size(); j++, index++) {
127                 Point2D l = landmarks.get(j);
128                 output[index] = Math.atan((l.y-c.y)/(l.x-c.x))-observations[index];
130                 if(UtilEjml.isUncountable(output[index]))
131                     throw new RuntimeException("Egads");
132             }
133         }
134     }
136     @Override
137     public int getNumOfInputsN() {
138         return 2*numCameras + 2*numLandmarks;
139     }
141     @Override
142     public int getNumOfOutputsM() {
143         return numCameras*numLandmarks;
144     }
146     /**
147      * The Jaoobian. Split in a left and right hand side for the Schur Complement.
148      * 
149      * @param input Vector with input parameters.
150      * @param left (Output) left side of jacobian. Will be resized to fit.
151      * @param right (Output) right side of jacobian. Will be resized to fit.
152      */
153     @Override
154     public void process(double[] input, DMatrixSparseCSC left, DMatrixSparseCSC right) {
155         decode(numCameras,numLandmarks,input,cameras, landmarks);
157         int N = numCameras*numLandmarks;
158         DMatrixSparseTriplet tripletLeft = new DMatrixSparseTriplet(N,2*numCameras,1);
159         DMatrixSparseTriplet tripletRight = new DMatrixSparseTriplet(N,2*numLandmarks,1);
161         int output = 0;
162         for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++) {
163             Point2D c = cameras.get(i);
164             for (int j = 0; j < numLandmarks; j++, output++) {
165                 Point2D l = landmarks.get(j);
166                 double top = l.y-c.y;
167                 double bottom = l.x-c.x;
168                 double slope = top/bottom;
170                 double a = 1.0/(1.0+slope*slope);
172                 double dx = top/(bottom*bottom);
173                 double dy = -1.0/bottom;
175                 tripletLeft.addItemCheck(output,i*2+0,a*dx);
176                 tripletLeft.addItemCheck(output,i*2+1,a*dy);
177             }
178         }
180         for (int i = 0; i < numLandmarks; i++) {
181             Point2D l = landmarks.get(i);
182             for (int j = 0; j < numCameras; j++) {
183                 Point2D c = cameras.get(j);
184                 double top = l.y-c.y;
185                 double bottom = l.x-c.x;
186                 double slope = top/bottom;
188                 double a = 1.0/(1.0+slope*slope);
190                 double dx = -top/(bottom*bottom);
191                 double dy = 1.0/bottom;
193                 output = j*numLandmarks + i;
194                 tripletRight.addItemCheck(output,i*2+0,a*dx);
195                 tripletRight.addItemCheck(output,i*2+1,a*dy);
196             }
197         }
199         DConvertMatrixStruct.convert(tripletLeft,left);
200         DConvertMatrixStruct.convert(tripletRight,right);
201     }
202 }
204 protected static void decode( int numCameras , int numLandmarks, 
205                               double[] input, List<Point2D> cameras , List<Point2D> landmarks ) {
206     cameras.clear();
207     landmarks.clear();
208     int index = 0;
209     for (int i = 0; i < numCameras; i++) {
210         cameras.add( new Point2D(input[index++],input[index++]) );
211     }
212     for (int i = 0; i < numLandmarks; i++) {
213         landmarks.add( new Point2D(input[index++],input[index++]) );
214     }
215 }
217 static class Point2D {
218     double x,y;
220     public Point2D(double x, double y) {
221         this.x = x;
222         this.y = y;
223     }
224 }

When you run this example you should see something like the following:

Steps     fx        change      |step|   f-test     g-test    tr-ratio  lambda
0     2.124E+01   0.000E+00  0.000E+00  0.000E+00  0.000E+00    0.00   1.00E-04
1     1.521E+00  -1.972E+01  4.268E+01  9.284E-01  2.749E-02   0.942   3.33E-05
2     2.505E-02  -1.496E+00  2.687E+01  9.835E-01  7.797E-03   0.991   1.11E-05
3     5.300E-05  -2.500E-02  6.227E+00  9.979E-01  1.886E-04   0.999   3.70E-06
4     9.786E-10  -5.300E-05  3.123E-01  1.000E+00  1.415E-05   1.000   1.23E-06
5     1.303E-18  -9.786E-10  1.413E-03  1.000E+00  1.244E-07   1.000   4.12E-07
6     1.280E-30  -1.303E-18  5.313E-08  1.000E+00  7.759E-12   1.000   1.37E-07
Converged g-test
Final Error = 1.2803435700834499E-30