Uses of Interface
Packages that use HessianMath
Uses of HessianMath in org.ddogleg.optimization
Classes in org.ddogleg.optimization with type parameters of type HessianMathModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
GaussNewtonBase_F64<C extends ConfigGaussNewton,
HM extends HessianMath> Base class for Gauss-Newton based approaches for unconstrained optimization.Fields in org.ddogleg.optimization declared as HessianMath -
Uses of HessianMath in org.ddogleg.optimization.lm
Classes in org.ddogleg.optimization.lm with type parameters of type HessianMathModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
LevenbergMarquardt_F64<S extends DMatrix,
HM extends HessianMath> Implementation of Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear least squares optimization. -
Uses of HessianMath in org.ddogleg.optimization.math
Subinterfaces of HessianMath in org.ddogleg.optimization.mathModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
Hessian update using BFGS.interface
HessianLeastSquares<S extends DMatrix>
HessianSchurComplement<S extends DMatrix>
Given the already computed Jacobian (broken up into a left and right side) compute the decomposed approximate Hessian matrix, i.e.Classes in org.ddogleg.optimization.math that implement HessianMathModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Uses DFP to estimate the Hessian and BFGS to estimate the inverse Hessian.class
Hessian is represented as a dense matrix.class
Hessian is represented as a sparse compact column matrix.class
HessianSchurComplement_Base<S extends DMatrix>
The approximate Hessian matrix (J'*J) is assumed to have the following block triangle form: [A B;C D].class
Implementation ofHessianSchurComplement_Base
Implementation ofHessianSchurComplement_Base
Uses of HessianMath in org.ddogleg.optimization.trustregion
Classes in org.ddogleg.optimization.trustregion with type parameters of type HessianMathModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
TrustRegionBase_F64<S extends DMatrix,
HM extends HessianMath> Base class for all trust region implementations.